Discover the Bullpadel Vertex collection

The Vertex Collection is known for its uncompromising combination of power and precision. Designed for professional and advanced players, these rackets deliver top performance on the padel court. Discover the balance between power, control, and speed, and find your ideal racket within this collection.

Explore the power and precision of Bullpadel Vertex padel rackets

This collection of high-quality padel rackets is designed to deliver top performance and is the result of a careful mix of innovation and expertise. Each racket features the latest technologies and materials, resulting in an exceptional combination of power, precision, and versatility. Whether you're a professional player or simply looking to elevate your game, the Bullpadel Vertex Collection offers an ideal racket for your playing style.

What makes the Bullpadel Vertex collection so special?

  1. Advanced technologies: Innovations such as the CurvAktiv system for vibration absorption and the Air React Channel for improved aerodynamics provide an unparalleled playing experience.
  2. Customized performance: With systems like CustomWeight and MultiEva, players can adjust their racket to suit their unique playing style for maximum control and precision.
  3. Durability and quality: The combination of high-quality materials such as XTend Carbon 12K, hybrid Fibrix fibers, and a 100% carbon fiber frame ensures exceptional longevity.

Bullpadel Vertex 04

For who: Advanced players who want to combine power and precision.
Unique features: Diamond-shaped blade structure for high balance and maximum power with every shot. With innovative technologies like the CurvAktiv system for vibration absorption and the Air React Channel for improved aerodynamics.
Why choose: This racket is designed for powerful and dynamic play, inspired by the official racket of Juan Tello. Perfect for players seeking a superior balance between attack and comfortable play.

Bullpadel Vertex 04 hybrid 2024

For who: Professional and advanced players looking for power and control.
Unique features: Xtend Carbon 12K blade and MultiEva rubber core provide exceptional performance. Adjust your balance with the CustomWeight system.
Why choose: An advanced racket with a hybrid blade shape for versatile performance, designed to find the perfect balance between power and precision.

Bullpadel Vertex 04 comfort 2024

• For who: Professionals and advanced players who want a mix of power and precision.
• Unique features: CurvAktiv and Air React Channel systems improve stiffness and vibration absorption. Fibrix hybrid fibers and MultiEva core for superior durability.
• Why choose: This racket combines the best of advanced technologies to provide an ideal mix of power and control, suitable for a versatile playing style.


For who: Professional and advanced players seeking a lightweight racket.
• Unique features: Lightweight diamond-shaped design with hybrid Fibrix fibers and MultiEva core for speed, power, and control.
• Why choose: Designed for female players seeking speed and precision without sacrificing power and spin.


• For who: Advanced players who want to take their game to the next level.
• Unique features: The CURVAKTIV system improves torsion resistance and control, while the MultiEva rubber core enables a responsive playing style.
• Why choose: This racket delivers maximum power and precision, ideal for those looking for an exceptional attacking weapon on the padel court.


• For who: Advanced players who want to combine power with precise control.
• Unique features: CURVAKTIV and Air React Channel technologies provide a responsive racket with optimal vibration absorption.
• Why choose: Juan Tello's official racket provides exceptional spin and ball control, allowing you to shape each shot to your advantage.

Bullpadel Vertex padel rackets are for advanced players

The Bullpadel Vertex Collection is designed for professional and advanced players who want to deliver top performance on the padel court. With advanced technologies and high-quality materials, these rackets offer an optimal combination of power, precision, and versatility. Each model is carefully crafted to meet the needs of players at all levels, but especially advanced and professional players will appreciate the innovative features and customizable balance of the Vertex rackets.


Take advantage of this opportunity and order your Bullpadel Vertex racket directly via our fast and secure option. Start improving your game today at