An overworked wrist is a common injury in padel, especially for players who train intensively or play frequent matches. Recognizing an overworked wrist is crucial to prevent further damage and ensure a quick recovery. In this blog, we’ll explain the symptoms, how to prevent overuse, and the treatments, including the use of our Padel Wrist Brace, that can help protect your wrist.

What is an overworked wrist?

An overworked wrist occurs when the muscles, tendons, and joints in the wrist are repeatedly or excessively strained. In padel, the constant hitting and twisting motions can lead to inflammation and irritation, resulting in pain and reduced functionality. If left unrecognized and untreated, an overworked wrist can lead to more severe injuries like tendinitis or even chronic wrist issues.

Symptoms of an overworked wrist

It's important to recognize the symptoms of an overworked wrist early on so that you can take immediate action to prevent further injury. Below are the most common symptoms.

1. Pain and tenderness in the wrist
  • Constant or recurring pain, especially during or after playing.
  • Tenderness when touching or applying pressure to the wrist.
2. Limited Range of Motion
  • Difficulty fully bending or extending the wrist.
  • Stiffness, particularly after periods of rest.

3. Swelling or Inflammation

  • Visible swelling around the wrist joint.
  • Redness and warmth, indicating inflammation.
4. Loss of strength in the hand
  • Decreased grip strength, difficulty holding your racket.
  • Weakness when performing everyday tasks.
5. Pain during specific movements
  • Especially when serving or hitting backhands.
  • Pain may worsen with twisting or sudden movements.
Symptom Description
Pain and tenderness Constant pain, tenderness when touched
Limited range of motion Difficulty bending/extending the wrist
Swelling or inflammation Visible swelling, redness, and warmth
Loss of strength in the hand Decreased grip strength
Pain during specific movements Especially when serving or hitting backhands

Causes of an overworked wrist in padel

Several factors can contribute to the development of an overworked wrist:

  • Overuse from repetitive movements: The constant repetition of the same movements during padel can lead to wrist overuse.
  • Incorrect technique: Poor stroke technique can put additional strain on the wrist, contributing to overuse.
  • Insufficient rest: Ignoring the need to rest your wrist between training sessions can hinder recovery and lead to overuse.
  • Poor grip: Using an incorrect grip on your racket can overly strain the wrist.

Treating an overworked wrist

1. Rest and recovery

  • Reduce intensity or temporarily stop playing to allow your wrist to recover.
  • Use ice to reduce swelling and pain.

2. Stabilization with a wrist brace

  • Our padel wrist brace provides targeted support and stabilization for the wrist. The adjustable strap allows you to customize the pressure, helping to prevent further overuse and aiding in recovery.

3. Strengthening exercises

  • Perform exercises to strengthen the muscles around your wrist and improve mobility.
  • Stretch the wrist before and after playing to maintain flexibility.

4. Improve your technique

  • Consider taking lessons to improve your stroke technique and reduce pressure on your wrist.

Preventing an overworked wrist

Preventing an overworked wrist is possible by taking a few simple measures:

  • Use a good wrist brace: The Padel Wrist Brace can help prevent overuse by providing stability and support during play.
  • Ensure a proper grip: Use a grip that is comfortable and prevents excessive strain on your wrist.
  • Schedule sufficient rest periods: Ensure you take enough time to let your wrist recover between matches and training sessions.
  • Warm-up and stretch: A good warm-up for your wrist can significantly reduce the risk of overuse.

augusti 01, 2024 — Jorn van t Klooster