When choosing the right ball for a sport, it might seem simple: just grab a ball and start playing. However, when we look at tennis and padel, two racket sports that are very similar to each other, we see that the balls used in them differ. Although these balls might seem very similar at first glance, such as their color and the use of similar materials, there are essential differences that affect how these sports are played. Let's take a closer look at these differences.

Overview of all the differences between a tennis ball and a padel ball

This table now reflects the nuances in the differences between padel balls and tennis balls as described in the blog.

Size 6.35 - 6.77 cm 6.54 - 6.86 cm
Weight 56 - 59.5 g 56.7 - 58.5 g
Internal Pressure 10 – 11 psi 14 psi
Bounce Height 135 - 145 cm 135 - 147 cm
Color Yellow Yellow/White/Orange


The difference in dimensions

A tennis ball has a larger diameter, ranging from 6.54 cm to 6.86 cm, while a padel ball is slightly smaller, with a diameter of 6.35 cm to 6.77 cm. This brings about subtle but significant differences in play behavior.

The difference in ball speed and internal pressure

Padel balls have a lower internal pressure (10-11 psi) compared to tennis balls (14 psi), which results in a lower ball speed and less bounce, contributing to longer rallies and a game that requires more strategy and agility.

The difference in filling and material

Tennis balls can be pressureless or gas-filled, with gas-filled balls being softer and more comfortable to play with but losing pressure more quickly. Padel balls are always gas-filled, which ensures a soft start but also means that they become softer over time and lose their optimal playing quality.

The difference in bouncing

Due to their lower internal pressure, padel balls have a lower bounce than tennis balls, leading to longer rallies and a game that places more emphasis on strategy and technique.

05 avril, 2024 — Jorn van t Klooster