A wrist injury in padel can range from mild irritation to severe damage to the tendons, joints, or nerves. These injuries are usually caused by overuse, poor technique, or sudden, abrupt movements. It’s essential to recognize and treat wrist injury symptoms quickly, and our wrist brace provides effective support by offering stabilization and relief.

1. Common symptoms of a wrist injury

The following symptoms may indicate a wrist injury caused by playing padel:

  • Pain and tenderness: This is usually the first and most noticeable symptom. The pain can be constant or occur only with certain movements, such as hitting the ball. Wearing our wrist brace can help alleviate pain by applying targeted pressure to the right areas.
  • Limited range of motion: You may find it difficult to fully bend or extend your wrist. This can make performing everyday tasks and playing padel challenging. Our wrist brace helps maintain stability, allowing you to move with more control and less pain.
  • Swelling or inflammation: The wrist may become swollen or inflamed, which can be visible through redness and a warm feeling in the affected area. Using our wrist brace can help reduce swelling by providing support and compression.
  • Loss of strength in the hand: You may notice a decrease in grip strength, making it harder to hold your racket or hit with power. The stabilizing effect of our wrist brace helps you maintain strength in your hand and wrist during play.
  • Pain during specific movements: Actions like serving, backhand strokes, or other powerful movements may cause sharp pain in the wrist. Wearing a wrist brace can help reduce this pain by stabilizing the wrist and absorbing the impact of these movements.

2. Specific wrist injuries and their symptoms

Different types of wrist injuries have specific symptoms. Below are some common injuries and how our wrist brace can assist.


Tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons in the wrist and is a common injury in padel.

Symptoms of tendinitis:

  • Pain with movement: Especially when bending or extending the wrist. Our wrist brace can relieve tendon strain and reduce pain by applying targeted pressure.
  • Swelling: The tendons may be swollen and warm to the touch. The compression provided by the wrist brace helps to reduce this swelling.
  • Stiffness: Particularly after rest, such as in the morning after waking up. Our wrist brace supports the wrist during rest and activity, helping to prevent stiffness.


A sprain occurs when the ligaments in the wrist are stretched or torn due to a sudden movement.

Symptoms of a sprain:

  • Sudden sharp pain: Immediately after the injury, there may be intense pain in the wrist. Wearing a wrist brace right after a sprain can help prevent further damage and reduce pain.
  • Swelling: Often accompanied by bruising. The compression from our wrist brace reduces swelling and promotes healing.
  • Limited movement: Difficulty moving the wrist due to pain and swelling. Our wrist brace stabilizes the wrist, allowing you to move safely without worsening the injury.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This syndrome occurs when the median nerve in the wrist is compressed, often due to swelling.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • Tingling or numbness: Especially in the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Our wrist brace can help reduce pressure on the nerve and alleviate these symptoms.
  • Pain: Can radiate to the arm and shoulder. The stabilizing effect of the wrist brace helps prevent further irritation of the nerve.
  • Loss of grip: Difficulty holding objects, such as your racket. The support from our wrist brace helps you maintain your grip and play comfortably.
Injury Symptoms How the wrist brace helps
Tendinitis Pain, swelling, stiffness Reduces pain, supports tendons
Sprain Sudden pain, swelling, limited movement Stabilizes, reduces swelling and pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome Tingling, pain, loss of grip strength Reduces pressure on nerve, stabilizes wrist

3. When to see a doctor?

If the pain in your wrist does not subside within a few days or if the symptoms worsen, it’s important to see a doctor. If you experience loss of strength, persistent swelling, or tingling, professional medical help is necessary. A doctor can provide a proper diagnosis and develop a treatment plan to prevent further damage. In the meantime, wearing our wrist brace can help manage symptoms and prevent additional strain.

4. How our wrist brace can help with wrist injuries

Our wrist brace is specifically designed to effectively treat and prevent wrist injuries. The brace provides targeted pressure, stabilization, and comfort, giving your wrist optimal support during padel play. Whether you're dealing with mild irritation or recovering from a serious injury, our wrist brace can help reduce pain, decrease swelling, and prevent further damage. With its breathable and durable material, the brace remains comfortable even during intense sports activities.

Key benefits:

  • Targeted pressure and stabilization for optimal recovery.
  • Adjustable compression for personalized support.
  • Breathable and durable material for long-lasting comfort.

5. Tips to prevent wrist injuries

  • Use proper technique: Ensure your strokes and movements are performed correctly to avoid overloading the wrist. Our wrist brace can provide additional support.
  • Warm-up: Always perform a good warm-up, including wrist exercises, before starting to play. Wearing the wrist brace during warm-up can help prepare your wrist for intense activity.
  • Use supportive gear: Our wrist brace offers excellent support and helps prevent wrist injuries, especially during intense matches.
  • Rest and recovery: Take enough rest between intense sessions to allow your wrists to recover. Wearing the wrist brace during rest periods can help keep your wrist stable and promote healing.

By recognizing the symptoms of a wrist injury early and using our wrist brace, you can help prevent further damage and maintain your enjoyment of the game. For more information and to purchase the best products for wrist injuries, visit Padelshop.com.

August 27, 2024 — Jorn van t Klooster